STM8 Tutorial 2 – Implementing a simple delay function

STM8 Series of microcontrollers, the 8-bit series of STMicroelectronics, are cheap but powerful micros which provide a good value and performance to your simple projects. The problem is, these series are not geared toward hobby market. While there are fantastic tools like STM32CubeMX software pack and the HAL library which allows anyone with a bit of coding experience takes advantage of STM32 microcontrollers, the STM8 series is left for professionals only. But this can be changed! In this series of tutorials you will learn how to start from zero, and start programming for these micros with only the datasheet and programming manuals. This should also help you to understand better how a microcontroller works.

In this part we will see how to implement a delay function, how to use gnu-make and a bit more!

Saeid Yazdani

An Electronics Engineer with passion in Embedded Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Assembly, Desktop and Mobile Development, Web Development and generally anything that has to do with hardware and software of any kind!

One Comment:

  1. Quicker way to figure the number was.
    Initial Multiplier 500 == 877ms……. 877/500 = 1.754…… 1000/1.754 = 569

    Saves on the trial and error.

    Great video series thanks for doing it though really helping me understand embedded programming.

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